Playfly: Need Senior Blockchain Engineer

Headquarters: New York

Is this you?

If you answered this with an unequivocal yes, then it might not be the best fit. 
We also want people who understand that no one knows everything, don't have egos, understand their own shortcomings and are excited to grow.
We want people who are badass but also humble and care about helping their team. We want people who get shit done and give a shit. We want people who don't care about titles but care about results.

We are asking for a lot. What we can offer you?

- A legitimate meritocracy. We don't care if you fancy huh, we care if you are actually good at your job. Been passed over for the guy who's great at talking to the EVP about how you just need to move to microservices but just pushed several critical bugs to production? That will not happen here.
- The ability to work with other people like you. And the joy of not having to work with people who aren't - no shitty devs, assholes, or devs who spend 2 hours a day working and 6 hours on TikTok and spreading office gossip.
- An intensive onboarding bootcamp where you will be challenged, tested, and learn a ton. While we don't like firing people or having them quit, we care more about guaranteeing #2 and this process is meant to weed people out who aren't a fit.
- A highly supportive atmosphere. We have a high standard for performance, but we will do everything we can to help each individual attain it. Everyone at all levels of the company is willing to pitch in and provide advice, mentorship, or even jump in to get our hands dirty coding, organizing the backlog, or talking to
clients when a team needs extra support. We're in this together. 
- The ability to work on some of the most exciting technical and product challenges that exist today. We work with clients, who bring us in to work on their most critical and important tasks because they know we can deliver and on our own internal projects which solve real needs. We also work on complex blockchain
projects with legitimate use cases. We also build best-in-class web and mobile applications and have some of the world's best data scientists.
- The ability to work on a range of projects in different fields, industries, and stacks for companies ranging from early-stage startups to enterprise.
- Competitive pay with regular performance-based raises and other fun stuff including company retreats, a really nice office, health and pet insurance, a cake to embarass you on your birthday, etc.STACK

You will be working mostly with JavaScript and libraries/frameworks in its ecosystem. 
- JavaScript / TypeScript 
- React / Angular / Nullstack
- Node / Next.js / Apollo
- EVMs / Solidity
- Flow / Cadence
- Solana / Metaplex / Rust 
- Truffle / Hardhat 
- web3.js / ethers.js 
- Everything else in the JavaScript ecosystem


- Work Full-time. 
- Work with a 10x dev team. 
- Work in internal projects and client projects. 
- Build projects with a product focused mentality while keeping your code clean. 
- Build modern, efficient apps and test that they work correctly. 
- Constantly communicate with clients. 
- Review pull requests from other members of the team. 
- Have a founder mentality and proactively solve problems. 
- Wear any hats needed to get the job done. 

About You

- Ability to communicate effectively and work exclusively in English. (This is a must) 
- A minimum of 5+ years of programming experience with our stack. 
- realizing in the middle of the night you forgot a major edge case that you can’t believe hasn’t burned you yet and need to fix asap
- git blaming some shitty code and realizing it was you, deciding to never git blame again
- having some super strong preference about the way something “needs to be done” that you read in a book, forum, conference or fancy colleague, being super militant about enforcing it and judgemental about people
who don’t already do it. and then realizing this was wrong
- you had a stack you thought was universally superior but now you think people should just pick the right tool for the job
- being such an expert at something that you forget why anyone would think this is hard, then having to learn something new and sucking at it at first and remembering that programming actually is a skill, then getting
really great at that 
- Willing to work with new technologies, different environments. 
- Willing to work with everything and anything, Full Stack. 
- Experience working with Agile. 
- Growth mindset. Like your work and accomplish many things. 
- Ownership mentality. 
- Problem-solving skills. 
- Self-management skills. Can work independently/autonomously. 

Other Stuff About Us

- Remote work. 
- Flexible schedule. 
- Monthly salary in USD. 
- Multi-company Equity. 
- Accountant that manages all the paperwork for you. 
- Health Insurance after 3 months. 
- English classes. 
- Free lunch everyday at the office (if you're there)! 
- Weekly talks, gather together with the team exchange knowledge. 
- Yearly retreat bringing together the whole team. 


- Initial conversation, we get to know each other and see if it makes sense for both sides.
- Coding test. 
- Final interview. 

We are looking to hire people who think long term. People create exponentially more value here in their 3rd or 4th year rather than their 1st or 2nd, and that only increases.
- Disclaimer: If you leave on good terms, you can retain 20% of your equity if you continue to send leads our way, share our core values, etc. If you leave for project (or someone else's), you retain 100% of your equity. Folks create exponentially more value here in their 3rd and 4th years than their 1st or 2nd - we want folks
who think long-term like we do. 


First 3 months: 12k - 16k USD

3+ months: 16k - 20k US

To apply:
